Gas Pool Heating

Gas Pool Heating

What is Gas Pool Heating?

Gas heating is a fuel fired heating solution for heating swimming pools, spas and hot tubs. Gas heaters use either natural gas or liquid petroleum gas (LPG) to fuel a gas burner.

How Does Gas Pool Heating Work?

The gas burner heats a bundle of copper finned tubes called a heat exchanger. The gas heater is typically plumbed into the swimming pool or spas hydraulic water circuit. The water is pumped into the heat exchanger. As it passes through the copper tubes it is heated and returned to the swimming pool or spa.
Gas heaters have an onboard thermostat and control allowing the user to set their desired water temperature. The gas heater will operate until the set temperature is reached.

Pros and Cons of Gas Pool Heating

Fastest heat-up time – 8 to 24 hours
No weather restrictions
Most responsive heating method
Quiet operation
Can be installed indoors with correct flueing and ventilation
Depletes fossil fuels
Requires costly connection to gas line
Highest operating cost
Operating costs can fluctuate dependent on gas type – Natural or LPG
Annual maintenance requirements
Uses an estimated 36 times more energy than Thermal Solar Pool Heating

Who Should Choose a Gas Pool Heater?

Gas heating suits users requiring high temperatures in applications such as spas, hot tubs and hydrotherapy pools. These applications often require temperatures between 32C and 38C. Gas heating can guarantee these temperature requirements are met were other solutions, may not.

Gas heating is often selected where year-round use of a swimming pool is essential, often in commercial or semi commercial applications; such as learn to swim centres, holiday accommodations and public swimming pools.

In residential applications gas heaters are used to achieve spa and hot tub temperatures, typically operating at 38C

Gas heaters can be used to complement thermal solar heating systems. Operating with a control system that ensures the solar works as the primary heat source a gas heater can then bridge any additional heating requirements. This can deliver both a cost effective and sustainable heating solution to most applications.

Other Pool Heating Options

Thermal Solar
Pool Heating

Are you looking for a low cost, efficient and renewable pool heating system? Then Thermal Solar Pool Heating is for you! This environmentally friendly pool heater uses the sun’s free energy to heat your swimming pool. This system will be ready and available when you want to swim – on warm days!

Heat Pump
Pool Heating

Heat pumps use electricity to heat your pool water. Operating much like a reverse cycle air conditioner, Heat Pumps capture the heat and humidity from the surrounding area and transfer it to the pool water using a titanium heat exchanger.

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